FAFSA for Divorced Families
If you are a divorced or separated parent sending your child to college, the FAFSA can raise some common questions and complications for your family during the filing process. Having experienced a divorce personally, I can attest that an already confusing process (financial aid) is only made more complicated for divorced parents. Here are a few rules of thumb, guidelines, and advice for divorced and separated parents when filing the FAFSA for your student. What is considered “divorced or separated” on the FAFSA? Legally divorced parents and parents living in separate households are treated the same. A legal separation isn’t necessary to be considered separated by FAFSA, but it is required the parents reside in individual households. Separated parents who live together are treated as married by the FAFSA. Biological parents who were never married are treated as divorced parents. Who fills out their information on the FAFSA? [...]