Did you know?

Our process helps navigate the college planning maze and clear the empty nester haze. With our financial planning for education, we are on a mission to make paying for college more transparent and less expensive for your family!

Step 1

Find out how much college your family can afford

Step 2

Find schools that fit your budget

Step 3

Complete the FAFSA – a necessary evil and vital step to pay less for college even if you don’t think you will qualify for financial aid.

Step 4

Develop a real Family Plan – one that helps you and your student pay for college without sacrificing your long term future.

Now more than ever, college needs to be an expansive adventure, propelling students toward unplumbed territory and untested identities rather than indulging and flattering who they already are.”

– Frank Bruni
Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be”

Will Schroeder

Wealth Management Associate

(515) 644-6366

[email protected]

Meet Will Schroeder, Certified College Funding Specialist (CCFS)  your college journeyman.
Setup a complimentary 15 minute call to discuss our college pre-approval program

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